Tuesday, January 6, 2015

To Preserve, Protect, and Conserve

     As you all know, our country is losing its precious natural resources, and who's fault is it? Ours. That's why I want to try my best to help preserve, protect and conserve the natural resources of the Philippines. These following pictures show the destruction inflicted upon by man on the natural environment.

This shows we have gone too far in exploiting Mother Earth. Mankind should realize that destroying Earth will also affect them for it is our shelter and our home.

But it is not too late we can still save the Earth from our destructive ways. This link will show you different ways we can help preserve and protect our natural resources.

I hope that this can help inspire people to do more for their Earth since it has done so much for them. We don't need to do big projects like form an environmentalist group or protest, its the little things you do that count the most. I found a quote that really portrays what we are doing to the planet, it goes like this:

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

But as I said before, its not too late to do our part in helping our home heal from the wounds of man.

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