Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our Society is Rotting

Social degradation starts in the family, when you are taught the wrong things, experience wrong things and are influenced by the wrong things. These factors affect and change an individual in how he or she develops and matures into adulthood. This person will then affect others around him or her the bad things he or she grew up with. This is what contributes to social degradation. This is what contributes to corruption, crime, and other bad things in our society today and because of this we blame the government even though, ultimately, its all our fault. We, the people are the ones who chose these officials. We are the ones who give them the power that leads into graft and corruption.

But this problem is not hopeless, we can still change the bad in our society and it all starts with ourselves. We caused the problem, we can also solve it. All we have to do is change our bad outlooks on things in life, spread around the good things as much as we have spread the bad things and our society can come back from its degradation and can become fresh and new once more.

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